,,! ,,acb ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;ix & #a-fe ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl /rives 69cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & 6improve qual;y ( life = all bl & visu,y impair$ p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,liii ,july #bjad ,no4 #a ,copy"r #bjad ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n 9dicator4 @ 7#d7 ,a35t 9dicator4 _/ ,sla%4 ^r ,regi/]$ tradem>k4 @+ ,plus4 @& ,amp]s&4 _4 ,prim>y bullet4 @9 ,d\# prime m1n+ 9*es4 _? ,crosshat*4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 : ,colon4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 / ,sla%4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 __ 7#d-e-f1 #d-e-f7 ,"uscore4 ,all numb]s 9 ,-put] ,brl ,code appe> 9 ! l[] "p (! cell1 )\t ! numb] sign4 ..,! ,,acb ,brl .,=um ^t is ;v availa# 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 data ;,,cd1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,attn3 ,tr1sur]1 ,,acb1 #fcjj ,%+le ,creek ,pkwy41 ,suite #aie1 ,brooklyn ,c5t]1 ,,mn #eedcj4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice has pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,3sid] 9clud+ a gift 6,,acb 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 call ! n,nal (fice4 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midni*iv$ or n1 is 3sid]$ 6be ! prop]ty (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 ,cr1tive 3t5t t appe>s else": orig9,y rema9s ! prop]ty (! orig9al copy"r hold]4 ,^? responsi# = cr1tive 3t5t submitt$ 9iti,y 6,,acb >e free 6p]mit _! mat]ials 6appe> else": ) prop] attribu;n & prior notific,n 6! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,,ta# ,,( ,,3t5ts ;vii ,page ,presid5t's ,message3 ,m ,prescrip;n ,drug ,a3ess ,-+ 6,yr ,neilson #a ,/ay+ ,3nect$ 9 ,vegas1 0,janet ,dickelman """""""""""""""""""""" #e ,,acb at ! ,o!r ,5d ( ,yr ,teleph"o ,wire1 0,m>la9a ,lieb]g #i ,gett+ ,h1l? ,9sur.e ,:5 ,y ,retire ,e>ly1 0,ron ,pollack "" #aa ,bo>d ( ,public,ns ,gives ,y ! ,*.e 6,let ,yr ,voice ,2 ,he>d #ae ,:y ,d ,we ,fe> ! ,bl81 0,rosem>y ,mahoney """"""""""""" #bi ,bl ,purdue ,grad ,"ws 6,make ,sci;e ,a3essi#1 0,haylei< ,colombo """"""""""""""""""""""" #cg ,mus+s3 ,,acb ,pa/1 ,pres5t & ,future1 0,paul ,$w>ds """"""""" #dc ,a6iliate ,news """""""""""""""""" #di ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,%>on ,/rzalk[ski #ej ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #fa ,=um ,subscrip;n ,notes ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 g to _+www.acb.org/mailman/_& listinfo/brailleforum-_l_:4 333333333333 ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,d ,y ,want 6,*ange ,yr ,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 333333333333 ,li/5 to 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um10 ;,e- ,=um & 8,,acb ,reports0 0ph"o4 ,dial 7#bca7 #dfj-ajfa4 ,want 65joy ,,acb ,radio b h no -put]8 ,x's all "! = y 0ph"o4 ,call 7#bca7 #dfj-ajdg4 ,,acb ,radio1 ! place 6be ) p 9 ! "k6 _+www.acbradio.org_: ;ix ,presid5t's ,message3 ,m #a ,prescrip;n ,drug ,a3ess ,-+ 6,yr ,neilson ,,acb 3t9ues 6advocate on ! prescrip;n drug label a3essibil;y issue on s"eal fronts4 ,m* ( \r su3ess has -e f collabor,n ) ,la9ey ,fe9gold & ,l9da ,d>d>ian us+ ! process ( /ructur$ negoti,n 6a3ompli% a positive \tcome r ?an "t-3sum+ & co/ly litig,n4 ,i am v pl1s$ 6%>e ! late/ su3ess 9 ? >ea--an ann\nce;t ) ,walgre5s laun*+ a talk+ prescrip;n label solu;n = id5tify+ m$ic,ns4 ,on ,june #c1 #bjad1 ,walgre5s (fici,y laun*$ a n,nwide program (f]+ talk+ prescrip;n devices = cu/om]s ) visual impair;ts4 ,walgre5s' a3essibil;y 9itiative w help p :o >e bl or visu,y impair$ :o h di6iculty or >e una# 6r1d a /&>d prescrip;n m$ic,n label4 ,? 9itiative a4s 6,walgre5s' o!r a3essi# prescrip;n 9=m,n s]vices4 ,9 a4i;n 6provid+ ! ,talk+ ,pill ,rem9d]1 ,walgre5s al (f]s l>ge-pr9t pati5t 9=m,n %eets 6cu/om]s :o h visual impair;ts4 ,walgre5s is ! n,n's l>ge/ drug/ore *a9 &! f/ 9 ! 9du/ry 6(f] xs [n exclusive talk+ prescrip;n device1 call$ ! ,talk+ ,pill ,rem9d]1 : atta*es 6! bottom (a prescrip;n bottle4 ,! device w 2 provid$ free ( *>ge ) prescrip;n m$ic,ns t ,walgre5s 4p5ses 6xs ph>macy cu/om]s :o >e bl or :o h visual impair;ts4 ,! ,talk+ ,pill ,rem9d] c 2 record$ 0ph>macy /aff 6sp1k ! 9=m,n on ! cu/om]'s prescrip;n m$ic,n label1 & x al has an audi# al>m1 : c 2 activat$1 6help rem9d pati5ts :5 6take a specific m$ic,n4 ,! ,talk+ ,pill ,rem9d] is availa# 6cu/om]s ( ,walgre5s retail ph>macies acr ! c.try & "? ,walgre5s prescrip;n mail s]vice free ( *>ge4 ,! devices >e al availa# 9 ,walgre5s drug/ores = pur*ase =a retail price ( 4#i.ii 0any"o :o wants 6use ? device b is n a ,walgre5s ph>macy cu/om]4 8,adh];e 6m$ic,n c 2 critical 9 tr1t+ ill;s td1 & ? device is an #c 9nov,n t w help \r visu,y impair$ cu/om]s correctly id5tify & take m$ic,ns z prescrib$10 sd ,jeff ,koziel1 ,walgre5s gr\p vice presid5t ( ph>macy op],ns4 8,z "p ( \r mis.n 6help cu/om]s get1 /ay & live well1 we're pr\d 6h "w$ closely ) o!r l1d+ organiz,ns 6make ! ,talk+ ,pill ,rem9d] availa# acr all ( \r m ?an #h1ajj /ores n,nwide40 ,,acb "pn]$ ) xs a6iliates 9 ,cali=nia & ,ill9ois on ? su3ess;l 9itiative 6make critical prescrip;n 9=m,n a3essi# 6p :o >e bl4 ,"? ? program1 ,walgre5s has tak5 a significant l1d]%ip role 9 s]v+ xs cu/om]s ) visual impair;ts4 ,all "pn]+ organiz,ns h prais$ ! ,walgre5s ann\nce;t z gr.d-br1k+4 ,ill9ois ,c\ncil (! ,bl spokesp]son ,ray ,campbell -m5d$ ,walgre5s' 9itiative1 say+1 8,s _m ( \r memb]s & ,,acb memb]s acr ! c.try value ,walgre5s' excell5t cu/om] s]vice4 ,! -pany's roll\t (! ,talk+ ,pill ,rem9d] gives cu/om]s yet ano!r r1son 6make ,walgre5s _! ph>macy ( *oice40 ,cali=nia ,c\ncil (! ,bl presid5t ,donna ,pom]antz sd1 8,/&>d prescrip;n labels put cu/om]s :o >e bl at risk = mix+ up m$ic,ns or tak+ !m 9correctly4 ,= ? r1son1 ,walgre5s' 9itiative is a matt] ( basic safety1 & we 3gratulate ! -pany on xs ef=ts 9 ? important >ea40 ,? settle;t is a trem5d\s n,nal -mit;t 0,walgre5s1 & ,,acb w 3t9ue 6"w ) ,walgre5s & o!r play]s 9 ? >ea ab o!r a3ess possibilities mov+ =w>d4 ,i am p]son,y v excit$ 6h ,,acb "w+ ) ,walgre5s on ? n,nwide talk+ prescrip;n a3ess program4 ,br++ ? level ( a3essibil;y 6prescrip;n m$ic,ns at ! local ph>macy level is :at ,,acb,''s advocacy is all ab--mak+ x easi] & saf] = p :o >e bl 6live & "w 9 _! -munities 9dep5d5tly4 ,i 2lieve t ? is j "o m /ep 9 putt+ ! issue ( a3essi# prescrip;n label+ on ! map = s]i\s att5;n 0-panies1 corpor,ns #e & gov]n;t alike4 ,9 ! m1n"t1 take /eps 9 yr life 6"k :at m$ic,ns y >e tak+ & 6h a3essi# prescrip;n labels = yr m$ic9es e "d4 333333333333 ,/ay+ ,3nect$ 9 ,vegas 0,janet ,dickelman ,_m ( y w 2 r1d+ ? >ticle z y >e pack+ = ,las ,vegas4 ,= ^? ( y :o >e / ?9k+ ab att5d+ ! 3v5;n1 x isn't too late6 ,don't miss \ on ! \t/&+ g5]al ses.ns1 9=mative sem9>s & programm+1 ! fabul\s t\rs &! excite;t (! exhibit hall6 ,y c / book a room at ! ,rivi]a1 ! home (! #ecrd annual 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,res]v,n details >e %[n at ! 5d ( ? >ticle4 ,3v5;n ,9=m,n ,desk ,:5 y >rive 9 ,las ,vegas1 2 sure 6visit ! 9=m,n desk1 ": y w f9d mat]ial 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t & -put] d[nloads4 ,hotel ori5t,n1 local busi;s 9=m,n1 &( c\rse ! 3v5;n newspap] >e j "s (! items t w 2 wait+ = y4 ,= ^? ( y :o w 2 una# 6att5d ? ye>1 "! >e _m ways 6be a "p (! excite;t6 ,,acb ,radio ,/ay 3nect$ ) "ey?+ t is go+ on f ! -=t ( yr home or (fice4 ,note3 ,all "ts %[n >e ,pacific "t4 ,2 a "p (! excite;t ( op5+ ses.n1 li/5 6all ! sp1k]s & foll[ ,,acb busi;s & elec;ns4 ,g5]al ses.ns 2g9 ,sun"d ev5+1 ,july #ac1 at #g p4m41 ,mon"d "? ,?urs"d1 #h3cj a4m4 until noon1 & ,fri"d f #h3cj a4m4 until #e p4m4 ,al on ,,acb ,radio1 he> :at ! c&idates = ,,acb (fice h 6say z !y answ] "qs at ! ,c&idates' ,=um ,?urs"d1 ,july #ag? at #g p4m4 ,he> all ! grt p]=m.es f ! ,frs-in-,>t ,%[case on ,tues"d ev5+ at #h4 ,,acb,''s banquet1 9clud+ ! banquet sp1k]1 pres5t,n ( aw>ds & ann\nce;t ( 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 ra6le w9n]s on ,fri"d1 ,july #ah at #g p4m4 ,once ag ? ye>1 ,,acb ,radio w 2 broadca/+ "o afn ses.n z a live #g broadca/4 ,all live broadca/s w 2 on ,,acb ,radio ,ma9/r1m4 ,o!r ,,acb -mittee ses.ns w 2 record$ & broadca/ lat] 9 ! "d on ,,acb ,radio ,live ,ev5t4 ,no -put]8 ,no pro#m6 ,y c li/5 6,,acb ,radio ov] ! teleph"o 0call+ 7#bca7 #dfj-ajdg4 ,pl1se keep 9 m9d t l;g-4t.e *>ges apply4 ,3v5;n ,ann\nce ;,e-mail ,li/ ,6subscribe 6! 3v5;n ann\nce li/1 j s5d a blank ;e-mail to _+acbconvention-subscribe@acb.org_: ,3v5;n ,newspap] ,keep up ) :at's go+ on at ! 3v5;n ) 8,! ,r1l ,d1l ,review10 \r 3v5;n newspap] publi%$ ,satur"d1 ,july #ab? "? ,?urs"d1 ,july #ag?4 ,! newspap] w 2 po/$ 6! 3v5;n ann\nce li/4 ,social ,m$ia ,foll[ ! late/ go+s-on at ! 3v5;n on ,facebook & ,twitt]6 ,6foll[ u on ,twitt]1 g to _+www.twitter.com/acbnational_:4 ,or l u on ,facebook at _+www.facebook.com/_american_& _councilofthe_blind_official_:4 ,:e!r y >e 9 ,las ,vegas or /ay+ 3nect$ ) u f home1 ,i hope y h a wond];l 3v5;n exp]i;e4 ,feel free 63tact me any "t dur+ ! 3v5;n4 ,y c ei l1ve a message = me at ! ,rivi]a1 or call my cell ph"o1 7#fea7 #dbh-ejei4 ,i look =w>d 6see+ y 9 ,las ,vegas4 ,res]v,n ,details ,we w 2 us+ two t[]s at ! ,rivi]a4 ,room rates 9 ! ,monaco t[] >e 4#hg p] nilo >e 4#fc4 ,! ,monaco is a non-smok+ t[]4 ,x 0 remodel$ 9 #bjjh4 ,all rooms h refrig]ators4 ,! ,monte ,c>lo t[] has smok+ & non-smok+ floors1 &! rooms h n be5 updat$ rec5tly4 ,curr5t hotel tax rates >e #ab p]c5t4 ,y w 2 *>g$ = "o nig>9e ,b1man1 7#eab7 #iba-afbe1 _+_oleo50@hotmail.com_: 333333333333 ,,acb at ! ,o!r ,5d ( ,yr ,teleph"o ,wire ,! -put] age makes x possi# 6%>e & transf] relevant & valua# 9=m,n ) lie n 9t]e/$ 9 obta9+ "o4 ,ov] ! la/ few ye>s1 ,,acb,''s bo>d & /aff h be5 seek+ relia# & secure me?ods 65sure t all \r memb]s & frs rcv ! relevant 9=m,n !y ne$ & want1 & 9 ! =mat t is mo/ f1si#4 ,n[1 af m* rese>* & 4cus.n ) v>i\s telephonic 9=m,n provid]s1 ,,acb is deliticles1 rew9d1 & g5],y move "? ! public,ns & ,,acb ,radio /r1ms ) yr t\*t"o ph"o4 ,6he> 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um10 8;,e- ,=um0 & 8,,acb ,reports10 call 7#bca7 #dfj-ajfa4 ,&1 if y've alw want$ 6he> ,,acb ,radio b d n [n a -put]1 or maybe y j want 6/ret* \ 9 ! sun & li/5 6! fabul\s 3t5t we (f] acr \r six *annels1 x's yr lucky "d6 ,f talk & 9=m,n on ,ma9/r1m1 6music on ! ,9t]active & ,caf@e /r1ms1 6a6iliate ev5ts on ! live /r1m1 _w news on ! news /r1m1 & ^? wond];l old-"t radio %[s ( ye/]ye> he>d on \r ,tr1sure ,trove /r1m1 we've got x = y & x's all availa# "? yr ph"o4 ,6li/5 6,,acb ,radio 0ph"o1 call 7#bca7 #dfj-ajdg4 ,pl1se note t nei ( ^! >e toll-free1 s l;g 4t.e *>ges may apply4 ,*eck ) yr teleph"o provid] = m 9=m,n4 ,i am p]son,y excit$ ab all (! abv1 & hope y w give x a try4 ,pl1se #aa pass ? >ticle al;g 6^? :o wd pref] 6use ! teleph"o 6keep up )! important 9=m,n ,,acb %>es ) xs memb]s & frs4 --,m>la9a ,lieb]g 333333333333 ,gett+ ,h1l? ,9sur.e ,:5 ,y ,retire ,e>ly 0,ron ,pollack 7,$itor's ,note3 ,ron ,pollack is ! executive director ( ,families ,,usa1 ! n,nal organiz,n = h1l?-c>e 3sum]s47 ,if y decide 6retire e>ly1 y mie eligi# = ,m$ic>e1 s9ce few employ]s (f] h1l? cov]age 6retirees4 ,=tunately1 ! ,af=da# ,c>e ,act provides new op;ns = cov]age4 ,"h1 we answ] "s "qs y mie ( premiums t is pd 0employees &! %>e t yr employ] us$ 6pay--plus a small adm9i/rative fee4 ,? may 2 exp5sive1 b x gives y a3ess 6! same b5efits & provid]s y _h :ile y 7 "w+4 ,c ,i %op =& -p>e plans 9 ! new h1l? 9sur.e m>ketplaces8 ,y c buy an 9dividual h1l? plan "? yr /ate's new h1l? 9sur.e #ac m>ketplace4 ,6f9d yr /ate's m>ketplace1 g to _+www.healthcare.gov_:4 ,y may want 6-p>e ! premiums1 provid]s1 & b5efits 9 m>ketplace plans )! co/s & b5efits ( yr =m] employ]'s plan 6decide :e!r ! m>ketplace or ,,cobra wd 2 a bett] d1l = y4 ,y h a special opportun;y 6buy a m>ketplace plan )9 #fj "ds ( los+ yr employ]-bas$ cov]age4 ,if y miss ! #fj-"d w9d[1 y m/ wait until ,nov4 #ae? = op5 5roll;t4 ,m>ketplace plans may 2 a "picul>ly gd d1l if yr 9come = #bjad w 2 2t 4#aa1dij & 4#de1ifj 7or 2t 4#ae1eaj & 4#fb1jdj = y & yr sp\se74 ,y may ev5 qualify = f9ancial assi/.e t l[]s yr mon?ly premiums4 ,don't =get 6apply = 8help pay+ co/s0 9 ! m>ketplace4 ,& p )! l[e/ 9comes may qualify = special silv] plans t h l[] deducti#s & co- pay;ts4 ,c ,i buy an 9dividual h1l? plan \tside (! m>ketplace8 ,9 mo/ /ates1 y c buy 9dividual 9sur.e \tside (! m>ketplace 0go+ directly 6an 9sur.e -pany or brok]4 ,"u ! ,af=da# ,c>e ,act1 all new h1l? plans t >e sold 69dividuals m/ cov] a set ( ess5tial h1l? b5efits & _c refuse 6cov] y if y h a pre-exi/+ 3di;n4 ,h["e1 if y buy a plan \tside (! m>ketplace1 y w miss \ on "s b5efits4 ,= 9/.e1 ! m>ketplace (f]s plans t "ugo grt] scrut9y = 3sum] protec;n4 ,plus1 ! m>ketplace all[s y 6-p>e plan op;ns f multiple 9sur.e -panies1 apply = f9ancial assi/.e 6l[] yr mon?ly premiums1 & get help f an unbias$ organiz,n or a call c5t]4 ,c ,i get ,m$icaid8 ,if yr 9come = #bjad drops 2l 4#a1cdb a mon? 7or 4#b1djf a mon? = y & yr sp\se71 y %d *eck 6see if y c get ,m$icaid 9 yr /ate4 7,! 9come guidel9es >e ev5 hi<] 9 a few /ates47 ,! ,af=da# ,c>e ,act all[s /ates #ae 6(f] ,m$icaid 6mo/ l[-9come adults4 ,un=tunately1 only ab half ! /ates h exp&$ ,m$icaid4 7,visit _+http://kff.org/health-reform/_& slide/current-status-of-the-_& medicaid-expansion-decision/_: 6see : /ates h exp&$47 ,if y live 9 a /ate t has n exp&$ ,m$icaid1 y c apply = ,m$icaid anyway & save ! d5ial notice--? d5ial exempts y f ! require;t 6h h1l? 9sur.e4 ,if y >e 3sid]+ retir+ e>ly1 visit ! h1l? 9sur.e m>ketplace 6rese>* yr cov]age op;ns4 ,0plann+ ah1d1 y c make sure y >e cov]$ until y qualify = ,m$ic>e4 333333333333 ,bo>d ( ,public,ns ,gives ,y ! ,*.e 6,let ,yr ,voice ,2 ,he>d ,! ,bo>d ( ,public,ns 7,,bop7 is seek+ ! assi/.e ( all ,,acb memb]s & 8,,acb ,brl ,=um0 subscrib]s4 ,^? ( u on ! ,,bop "k & 2lieve t ! be/ way 6g>n] support = any & all ,,acb public,ns is 65sure t ^? public,ns a4ress ! ne$s1 9t]e/s & 3c]ns ( z _m ,,acb memb]s & subscrib]s z possi#4 ,bo? 9 a previ\s 8,,acb ;,e-,=um0 >ticle1 & at ! a6iliate presid5ts' meet+ ? pa/ ,febru>y1 we told y ab \r plans 63duct a -preh5sive memb]%ip survey 6get ! fe$back ( \r r1d]s on a range ( topics 3nect$ ) \r two prim>y n,nal public,ns1 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 & 8,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um40 ,we >e pl1s$ 6let y "k t ! survey is n[ availa# & we >e 9vit+ ,,acb memb]s & frs 6%>e _! op9ions4 ,\r goals >e 6le>n h[ \r r1d]s a3ess ^! public,ns1 : sec;ns !y l mo/1 ": r1d]s ?9k we c improve & any id1s r1d]s h = mak+ improve;ts 6! qual;y &_/or quant;y (! 9=m,n we publi%4 ,9 ord] 65sure t \r survey r1*es ! wide/ possi# audi;e & t return rates >e z hi< z possi# & reflective ( \r 5tire memb]%ip base--9clud+ p :o d n h a3ess 6-put]s or ! ,9t]net--! survey is 2+ 9clud$ 9 ? issue ( 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um10 availa# onl9e at #ag _+forms.acb.org/bopsurvey_:1 via ;e- mail1 &a h>d copy c 2 mail$ 6y 9 yr *os5 =mat ^u reque/ 03tact+ ,%>on ,lover+ at ! ,,acb n,nal (fice 0call+ #a-hjj-dbd-hfff4 ,we w al provide copies 6ea* /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliate presid5t z well z 6ea* memb] (! bo>d & n,nal /aff4 ,all ( ^! memb]s w 2 ask$ 6assi/ any memb] 6-plete ! survey if ask$4 ,,bop memb]s w al 2 availa# 6help any"o ne$+ assi/.e1 bo? 2f & "?\t 3v5;n week4 ,if y wd l 6reque/ assi/.e 9 -plet+ ! survey1 y may call #a-hgg-fea-iefj4 ,l1ve yr "n1 ph"o numb] &! be/ "t 6call1 & "s"o w get back 6y z qkly z possi#4 ;,e-mail responses c 2 s5t to _+bopchair@acb.org_:4 ,! survey %d take approximately #ae m9utes 6-plete1 & we don't want any"o 6be left \4 ,f9,y1 ! ,,bop is v excit$ 6be 3duct+ two t[n hall meet+s dur+ ! #bjad ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n reg>d+ ? project1 6be held on ,sun"d afn1 ,july #ac & ,?urs"d afn1 ,july #ag4 ,! purpose (! t[n hall meet+s w 2 6talk c&idly ab all aspects ( ,=um produc;n1 answ] any ( yr "qs1 & rcv fe$back f any & all :o att5d4 ,"ey"o att5d+ ! 3v5;n is 9vit$2 we want 6he> f y4 ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,public,ns #bjad ,memb]%ip ,survey ,"qnaire ,! foll[+ "qs p]ta9 6! ,,acb ,brl ,=um4 ,? is ! bimon?ly magaz9e : is publi%$ 9 h>d copy =mats1 9clud+ brl1 l>ge pr9t1 on cassette tape1 on ;,,cd- rom & 9 s"eal o!r electronic =mats4 #a;,a4 ,d y rcv ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 ,yes b4 ,no #b;,a4 ,9 :at =mat d y rcv ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um8 ,*oose all t apply4 a4 ,i r1d x on ! ,,acb ,web site b4 ,l>ge pr9t ,i rcv 9 ! mail c4 ,l>ge pr9t ,i d[nload f ! ,,acb ,web site d4 ,brl ,i rcv 9 ! mail e4 ,brl ,i d[nload f ! ,,acb ,web site #ai f4 ,text on ;,,cd-rom g4 ,text ,i d[nload f ! ,,acb ,web site h4 ,audio cassette tape i4 ,email j4 ,ph"o via ,,acb ,radio_/,audio ,n[ k4 ,ph"o via ,,nfb-,newsl9e^r #c;,a4 ,h[ (t5 d y r1d ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 ,e "t x -es \ 7all six issues7 b4 ,usu,y b n alw 7f\r or five issues p] ye>7 c4 ,"s"ts 7ab #c issues p] ye>7 d4 ,o3a.n,y b n (t5 7"o or two issues p] ye>7 e4 ,r>ely if "e #d;,a4 ,:5 y r1d ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um1 h[ d y r1d x8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 ,i r1d x cov] 6cov]4 b4 ,i r1d x 9 bits & pieces ov] s"eal "ds or weeks4 c4 ,i r1d only ^? "ps (! magaz9e t 9t]e/ me4 d4 ,i r>ely r1d x4 #e;,a4 ,: ?ree ,,acb ,brl ,=um f1tures d y l mo/8 ,*oose yr top ?ree4 a4 ,presid5t's ,message b4 ,3v5;n 9=m,n & updates c4 ,,acb ,busi;s1 ,-mittee ,reports1 etc4 d4 ,>ticles f ,,acb memb]s & o!r 9dividuals e4 ,a6iliate ,updates f4 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op g4 ,"h & ,"! h4 ,poetry & o!r f1tures i4 ,o!r--,pl1se describe3 #f;,a4 ,:5 y >e f9i%$ r1d+ ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um1 :at d y usu,y d )! magaz9e8 ,*oose ! answ] t be/ describes :at y d4 a4 ,i keep ! magaz9e s t ,i c ref] back 6x 9 ! future4 b4 ,i %>e ! magaz9e ) ano!r 9dividual or organiz,n s x c 2 pass$ al;g 6"s"o else4 c4 ,i 4c>d ! magaz9e4 d4 ,o!r--,pl1se describe3 ,! foll[+ "qs p]ta9 6! new #ba ,,acb ;,e-,=um4 ,? electronic magaz9e 0 laun*$ 9 #bjac & is publi%$ bimon?ly dur+ ! mon?s :5 ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um is n publi%$4 #g;,a4 ,d y rcv ! ,,acb ;,e-,=um8 a4 ,yes b4 ,no #h;,a4 ,if y d n rcv ! ,,acb ;,e-,=um1 : (! foll[+ /ate;ts be/ describes :y y d n rcv x8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 ,i d n h a3ess 6email4 b4 ,i d n l r1d+ magaz9es 9 an electronic =mat4 c4 ,i d n l li/5+ 6magaz9es 9 an audio =mat4 d4 ,i h n"e he>d (! ,,acb ;,e-,=um4 e4 ,o!r--,pl1se describe3 #i;,a4 ,if y >e an ;,e-,=um recipi5t1 h[ (t5 d y r1d ! ;,e-,=um8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 ,e "t x -es \ b4 ,usu,y b n alw 7f\r or five issues p] ye>7 c4 ,"s"ts 7ab #c issues p] ye>7 d4 ,o3a.n,y b n (t5 7"o or two issues p] ye>7 e4 ,r>ely if "e #aj;,a4 ,:5 y r1d ! ,,acb ;,e-,=um1 h[ d y r1d x8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 ,i r1d x cov] 6cov]4 b4 ,i r1d x 9 bits & pieces ov] s"eal "ds or weeks4 c4 ,i r1d only ^? "ps (! magaz9e t 9t]e/ me4 d4 ,i r>ely r1d x4 ,! foll[+ "qs p]ta9 6bo? ( ,,acb,''s prim>y public,ns3 ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um &! ,,acb ;,e-,=um4 #aa;,a4 ,: docu;t =mats >e a3essi# 6y = ,,acb public,ns8 ,*oose all t apply4 a4 ,text 4play$ on ! ,,acb ,web site b4 ,l>ge pr9t availa# 0mail c4 ,l>ge pr9t : c 2 d[nload$ f ! ,,acb ,web site d4 ,brl availa# 0mail e4 ,brl : c 2 d[nload$ f ! ,,acb ,web site f4 ,text on ;,,cd-rom g4 ,text : c 2 d[nload$ f ! #bc ,,acb ,web site h4 ,audio cassette tape i4 ,email j4 ,ph"o via ,,acb ,radio_/,audio ,n[ k4 ,ph"o via ,,nfb-,newsl9e^r #ab;,a4 ,if y cd rcv ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um 9 any =mat1 : wd y *oose8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 ,text 4play$ on ! ,,acb ,web site b4 ,l>ge pr9t availa# 0mail c4 ,l>ge pr9t : c 2 d[nload$ f ! ,,acb ,web site d4 ,brl availa# 0mail e4 ,brl : c 2 d[nload$ f ! ,,acb ,web site f4 ,text on ;,,cd-rom g4 ,text : c 2 d[nload$ f ! ,,acb ,web site h4 ,audio cassette tape i4 ,audio on ;,,cd-rom j4 ,email k4 ,ph"o via ,,acb ,radio_/,audio ,n[ l4 ,ph"o via ,,nfb-,newsl9e^r m4 ,audio via podca/ n4 ,o!r--,pl1se describe3 #ac;,a4 ,al? ! ,,acb collects a total ( 4#e p] memb] p] ye>1 x co/s ! ,,acb ab 4#dj 6produce & provide ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um &! ,,acb ;,e-,=um 6"o memb] = "o ye>4 ,giv5 ? fact1 wd y 2 will+ to3 a4 ,pay hi<] dues b4 ,pay an a4i;nal subscrip;n fee c4 ,make a volunt>y don,n d4 ,"s -b9,n ( ;,a1 ;,b &_/or ;,c e4 ,i wd n 2 will+ 6pay m 6rcv ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um & ,,acb ;,e-,=um4 #ad;,a4 ,if y wd 2 will+ 6pay m 6cov] ! co/ (! ,,acb ,brl ,=um &_/or ! ,,acb ;,e-,=um1 :at am.t wd y 2 a#_/will+ 6pay ov] & abv ! curr5t ,,acb annual dues ( 4#e8 a4 4#aj b4 4#bj c4 4#cj d4 4#dj e4 ,o!r--,pl1se describe3 #ae;,a4 ,h[ d y ?9k ,,acb %d #be raise m"oy 6cov] ! ris+ co/ ( produc+ & 4tribut+ ,,acb public,ns8 ,*eck all t apply4 a4 ,hi<] annual dues b4 ,a volunt>y don,n 6cov] subscrip;n co/s c4 ,a -b9,n ( ;,a & ;,b d4 ,o!r--,pl1se describe3 ,! foll[+ "qs p]ta9 6yr feel+s ab ,,acb,''s use ( ,twitt]1 ,facebook & o!r social m$ia \tlets4 #af;,a4 ,d y use ,twitt]8--,*eck only "o4 a4 ,yes b4 ,no #ag;,a4 ,if y use ,twitt]1 d y foll[ ,,acb or any ,,acb a6iliates or *apt]s8 a4 ,yes b4 ,no #ah;,a4 ,d y use ,facebook8--,*eck only "o4 a4 ,yes b4 ,no #ai;,a4 ,if y use ,facebook1 h y lik$ ,,acb,''s ,web page8 a4 ,yes b4 ,no ,-;ts #bj;,a4 ,pl1se %>e any o!r -;ts y h t wd assi/ ! ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,public,ns 6improve ! qual;y &_/or a3essibil;y ( ,,acb public,ns4 ,demographic ,9=m,n ,! foll[+ "qs >e op;nal--y d n h 6answ] !m4 ,any 9=m,n y provide w n 2 %>$ or correlat$ ) yr specific answ]s 6! survey4 ,\r 9t5t is 65sure t \r survey is r1*+ ! broade/ possi# cross- sec;n ( ,,acb memb]s & frs4 ,x w al assi/ u 9 evaluat+ any pot5tial correl,ns 2t specific responses & gr\ps ( respond5ts1 e4g41 m51 wom51 p ov] #ge1 p 9 ! ,ea/1 p ) limit$ 9comes1 etc4 #a;,b4 ,yr zip code3 #b;,b4 ,g5d]--,*oose only "o3 a4 ,male b4 ,female c4 ,pref] n 6specify #bg #c;,b4 ,age--,*oose only "o3 a4 ,"u #ah b4 #ah-bd c4 #be-ci d4 #dj-di e4 #ej-ei f4 #fj-gd g4 #ge@+ h4 ,pref] n 64close #d;,b4 ,annual 9come--,*oose only "o3 a4 4#bd1iii or less b4 ,2t 4#be1jjj & 4#di1iii c4 ,2t 4#ej1jjj & 4#gd1iii d4 ,2t 4#ge1jjj & 4#ii1iii e4 4#ajj1jjj or m f4 ,pref] n 64close #e;,b4 ,h[ _m ,,acb n,nal 3v5;ns h y att5d$ )9 ! pa/ t5 ye>s8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 #h or m b4 #e 6#g c4 #c 6#e d4 #a or #b e4 ,i h n"e att5d$ an ,,acb n,nal 3v5;n4 #f;,b4 ,>e y 9volv$ ) an ,,acb /ate a6iliate &_/or an ,,acb special- 9t]e/ a6iliate8 a4 ,yes b4 ,no #g;,b4 ,>e y 9volv$ )a local *apt] ( an ,,acb /ate or special-9t]e/ a6iliate8 ,*oose only "o4 a4 ,yes b4 ,no ,op;nal ,3tact ,9=m,n ,if y wd l 64close yr 3tact 9=m,n &_/or if y wd l 6be 3tact$ 0a memb] (! bo>d ( public,ns 64cuss yr ?"\s & id1s ab h[ ,,acb c improve ! qual;y & availabil;y ( \r public,ns1 pl1se feel free 6provide ! foll[+ 9=m,n3 #a;,c4 ,f/ ,"n #b;,c4 ,la/ ,"n #c;,c4 ,email a4ress #d;,c4 ,"d"t ph"o numb] #e;,c4 ,ev5+_/week5d ph"o numb] 333333333333 ,:y ,d ,we ,fe> ! ,bl8 #bi 0,rosem>y ,mahoney 7,repr9t$ f 8,! ,new ,york ,"ts10 ,janu>y #d1 #bjad47 7,$itor's ,note3 ,rosem>y ,mahoney is ! au?or (! =?com+ book 8,=! ,b5efit ( ,^? ,:o ,see3 ,4pat*es ,f ! ,_w (! ,bl407 ,,bri/ol1 ,r4,i4--,a few ye>s ago1 :5 ,i m5;n$ 6a woman ,i met at a "py t ,i 0 t1*+ 9 a s*ool =! bl1 %e seem$ 3fus$4 8,c ,i j ask y "o "q80 %e sd4 8,h[ d y talk 6yr /ud5ts80 ,i expla9$ t ! /ud5ts 7 bl1 n d1f4 ,rais+ ! palms ( h] h&s at me1 z if 6/em fur!r mis"u/&+1 %e sd3 8,yes1 ,i "k !y're n d1f4 ,b :at ,i re,y m1n is1 h[ d y actu,y talk 6!m80 ,i knew1 2c ,i _h be5 ask$ ? "q 2f 0r1sonably 9tellig5t p1 t ! woman didn't "k exactly :at %e m1nt4 ,all %e knew 0 t 9 h] m9d "! exi/$ a sub/antial 9tellectual b>ri] 2t ! bl &! si1 yes4 ,b cd !y prop]ly "u/&8 ,"?\t hi/ory & acr cultures ! bl h be5 traduc$ 0a ho/ ( my?ologies s* z ?4 ,!y h v>i\sly be5 p]cvd z pitia# idiots 9capa# ( le>n+1 z >t;l ma/]s ( decep;n or z my/ics possess$ ( sup]natural p[]s4 ,"o (! mo/ p]si/5t misconcep;ns ab bl;s is t x is a curse f ,god = misde$s p]petrat$ 9 a pa/ life1 : cloaks ! bl p]son 9 _sual d>k;s & makes hm n j dang]\s b evil4 ,a major;y ( my bl /ud5ts at ! ,9t]n,nal ,9/itute = ,social ,5trepr5eurs 9 ,triv&rum1 ,9dia1 a bran* ( ,brl ,)\t ,bord]s1 came f ! develop+ _w3 ,madagasc>1 ,colombia1 ,tibet1 ,lib]ia1 ,- old ,sahr1 lo/ mo/ ( 8 eyesi5ts' l&4 ,ev5tu,y1 ! eld]s decre$ t ,sahr's "f m/ take ! * \ 6! bu%1 8": ! demons live10 & ab&on hm "!4 ,! p>5ts refus$ & fl$ ! village ) _! son4 ,_m ( my /ud5ts _h simil> exp]i;es4 ,m>co's p>5ts1 dev\t ,colombian ,ca?olics1 be7$ a prie/ 6say a ,mass s t _! bl 9fant son wd die 2f 8 exi/;e br"\ %ame & h>d%ip on _! h\sehold4 ,! villag]s 9 ,kyile's remote ,tibetan village 9si/$ t %e1 h] two bl bro!rs & _! bl "f %d all j -mit suicide 2c !y 7 no?+ b a burd5 6! si 41se1 ! villag]s 7 c]ta9 t he 0 possess$ 0demons4 ,9 ^! places1 s*ools = bl *n 7 deem$ a prepo/]\s wa/e ( res\rces & ef=t4 ,t1*]s 9 regul> s*ools refus$ 6$ucate !m4 ,sis on 5d & ab&on$ 0_! p>5ts4 ,^! /ories1 : wd h be5 -monplace 9 ! ,d>k ,ages1 took place 9 ! #aihj;s1 #aiij;s & #bjjj;s4 ,!y >e tak+ place n[4 ,n9e \ ( #aj bl *n 9 ! develop+ _w / h no a3ess 6$uc,n1 _m = no o!r r1son ?an t !y >e bl4 ,! ,unit$ ,/ates has "o (! l[e/ rates ( visual impair;t 9 ! _w1 & yet bl;s is / am;g ! mo/ fe>$ physical a6lic;ns4 ,ev5 9 ? c.try1 ! bl >e p]cvd z a p a"p4 ,av].n t[>d ! bl exi/s =! same r1son t mo/ prejudices exi/3 lack ( k4 ,ignor.e is a p[];l g5]ator ( fe>4 ,& fe> slides easily 96a7res.n & 3tempt4 ,any"o :o has n sp5t m ?an five m9utes )a bl p]son miy way we 9t]pret ! _w4 ,h[ c we ev5 2g9 63cv (a m1n+;l 3nec;n )a p]son :o _c see8 ,2f ,i 2gan liv+ & "w+ am;g bl p1 #cc ,i1 too1 wond]$ ?4 ,:5"e ,i saw a bl p]son on ! /reet ,i wd />e1 transfix$1 hop+1 \ (a vague & visc]al 4com=t1 t ,i wdn't h 65gage ) hm4 ,9 8 #aicj book 8,! ,_w (! ,bl10 ,pi]re ,villey1 a bl ,fr5* professor ( lit]ature1 summ>iz$ ! lurid c>nival ( prejudices & sup]/i;ns ab ! bl t 7 pass$ d[n ! c5turies4 8,! sie b 0! fe> bl;s 9spires4 ''' ,! revolt ( 8 s5sibil;y 9 ! face ( ,8! mo/ atroci\s ( maladies0' fills a sie ei sup]natural or subhuman1 ali5 or animal40 ,we take \r eyesie s ov]:elm$ 0xs sup]ficial data1 t ev5 ! mo/ brilliant siis4 ,! bl man 0 m>ri$1 _h a son1 _h _m acqua9t.es1 0 v]s$ 9 *emi/ry & botany1 cd r1d & write ) an alphabet ( rais$ type & made 8 liv+ 4till+ liqueurs4 ,did]ot wrote ) wond] (! man's 8gd solid s5se10 ( 8 tidi;s1 ( 8 8surpris+ memory = s.ds0 & voices1 ( 8 abil;y 6tell ! weiy ( 2+ 9t]rogat$ 0,did]ot & 8 fr z if he 7 a circus animal1 ev5tu,y ask$ !m a "q ( 8 [n4 8,i p]cv1 g5tlem51 t y >e n bl4 ,y >e a/oni%$ at :at ,i d1 & :y n z m* at my sp1k+80 ,m ?an any ( 8 s5sory skills1 x 0 ! bl man's self-e/eem t surpris$ ,did]ot mo/4 8,? bl man10 he wrote1 8values hmf z m* z1 & p]h m ?an1 we :o see40 ,i've le>n$ f my bl frs & coll1gues t bl;s doesn't h 6rema9 tragic4 ,= ^? :o c adapt 6x1 bl;s 2comes a pa? 6an alt]native & equ,y ri* way ( liv+4 ,"o (! _m misconcep;ns ab ! bl is t !y h grt] he>+1 s5se ( smell & s5se ( t\* ?an sigely ignor$4 ,a few ye>s ago1 ,i all[$ myf 6be blfold$ & l$ "? ! /reets ( ,lhasa 0two bl ,tibetan te5age girls1 /ud5ts at ,brl ,)\t ,bord]s4 ,! girls _h n gr[n up 9 ! c;y1 & yet !y trav]s$ x ) ease1 )\t /umbl+ or gett+ lo/4 ,!y _h a specific de/9,n 9 m9d1 & ea* "t !y ann\nc$1 8,n[ we turn left0 or 8,n[ we turn "r10 ,i 0 -pell$ 6ask !m h[ !y knew ?4 ,_! answ]s />tl$ me1 *iefly 2c ! clues !y 7 foll[+--! s.d ( _m televi.ns 9 an electronics %op1 ! smell ( l1!r 9 a %oe %op1 ! feel ( cob#/"os su45ly "ufoot--?\< \ 9 ! op5 = any"o 6p]cv1 7 virtu,y hi45 f me4 ,=! f/ "t 9 my life1 ,i r1liz$ h[ ll notice ,i pd 6s.ds1 6smells1 9de$ 6! 5tire _w t lay 2y my abil;y 6see4 ,! ,fr5* writ] ,jacques ,lusseyran1 :o lo/ 8 sie1 9 "s ways1 depriv$ 0x4 8,in return = all ! b5efits t sie =c$ 6give up o!rs ^: exi/;e we don't ev5 suspect40 ,i d n 9t5d 6su7e/ "! is "s?+ wond];l ab bl;s4 ,"! is only "s?+ wond];l ab human resili;e1 adaptabil;y & d>+4 ,! bl >e no m or less #cg o!r_wly1 /upid1 evil1 gloomy1 pitia# or deceit;l ?an ! re/ ( u4 ,x is only \r ignor.e t has cloak$ !m 9 ^! ridicul\s g>;ts4 ,:5 ,hel5 ,kell] wrote1 8,x is m di6icult 6t1* ignor.e 6?9k ?an 6t1* an 9tellig5t bl man 6see ! gr&eur ( ,niag>a10 %e 0 sp1k+1 obvi\sly1 (! uplift+ & equaliz+ value ( k4 333333333333 ,bl ,purdue ,grad ,"ws 6,make ,sci;e ,a3essi# 0,haylei< ,colombo 7,repr9t$ f 8,! ,9dianapolis ,/>10 ,feb4 #aj1 #bjad47 ,we/ ,lafayette1 ,9d4--,c>y ,supalo alw has be5 a pro#m solv]4 ,:5 he att5d$ ,purdue ,univ]s;y 9 ! late #aiij;s1 ,supalo 5c.t]$ all ! /&>d *all5ges ( an "ugraduate /ud5t pursu+ a *emi/ry degree--plus "o a4$ hurdle4 ,supalo is bl4 ,t r1l;y made b5*-top lab "w a r1l nuis.e1 b he didn't let x /op hm f pursu+ a c>e] 9 sci;e4 8,i got "? x "h at ,purdue 9iti,y 0"w+ ) si* ,p>k t cr1tes sci;e- a3ess products aim$ at help+ visu,y impair$ /ud5ts4 8,^? truly devot$ 6sci;e w /ay ) x4 ,! major;y ( p :o >e bl or visu,y impair$ w use ,7sie (t5 det]r$ f ,,stem--sci;e1 te*nology1 ma? & 5g9e]+--fields 2c ( _! fe>s or p>5t & t1*] 4c\rage;t ab do+ exp]i;ts4 8,y h a :ole popul,n ( bl p t h _h 6pro#m-solve _! 5tire life--6a3ess ! pr9t$ ^w1 6cross ! /reet1 6g 6s*ool10 ,supalo sd4 8,x j 9tuitively makes s5se 6give !m sci5tific pro#ms 6try 6solve4 ,!y're lifel;g pro#m-solv]s4 ,we want 6tap 96t skill set40 ,lat] ? mon?1 ,supalo's -pany #ci w 2 honor$ 0! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl = xs 3tribu;n 6univ]sal a3essibil;y4 ,9dep5d;e ,sci;e jo9s an elite gr\p 0e>n+ ! ,a3ess ,aw>d1 : w 2 pres5t$ at ! gr\p's #bjad l1d]%ip 3f];e4 ,pa/ w9n]s 9clude ,apple1 ,,cbs1 ,google1 ,,ibm1 ,mc,donald's & ,panasonic4 ,! goal ( ,9dep5d;e ,sci;e's products is 6ease ! *all5ge ( record+ & report+ sci5tific 9=m,n = /ud5ts :o h l[ vi.n or >e bl4 ,"s ( xs 9nov,ns 9clude ,talk+ ,lab,que/1 a h&-held data collec;n device t ann\nces sci5tific data \ l\d :ile record+ an exp]i;t2 ,lo7] ,pro ,app1 : (f]s audi# or tactile repres5t,ns ( graphs & data ta#s2 & ,adapt,n ,support ,program1 a subscrip;n s]vice t equips $ucators ) an a3essi# laboratory 5viron;t4 ,! -pany1 ) #ac employees 9 (fices acr ! c.try1 0 f.d$ 9 #bjji 0! ,purdue alumnus4 ,s9ce ! f/ product 0 laun*$1 ,su palo's t1m has sold hundr$s ( units dome/ic,y & glob,y4 ,talk+ ,lab,que/ co/s 4#a1ejj = ea* device & al requires #gj s5sors1 ea* ( : co/s f ab 4#aj 6s"eal hundr$ doll>s4 ,x 0 rel1s$ 9 #bjaa & is bas$ on ye>s ( field rese>* 9 : prototypes 7 put 9 ! h&s ( bl & visu,y impair$ /ud5ts4 8,we want$ 6%[ t giv+ bl /ud5ts ! abil;y 6collect _! [n quantifia# data wd 5gage !m m 9 sci;e laboratory1 : wd !n l1d 6hi<] feel+s t !y cd 2come sci5ti/s & 5g9e]s10 ,supalo sd4 8,t's :at \r data %[$4 ,x's v rew>d+ 2c ,i cd see immly ,i 0 remov+ b>ri]s 6a3ess 0_! direct 5gage;t 9 ! lab exp]i;ts40 ,z aw>e;s 3t9ues 6build ab 9cr1s+ a3ess 6p ) 4abilities1 ,supalo sd he 2lieves -panies t cr1te & sell a3essi# products w see 9cr1s$ su3ess4 8,if yr product l9e is m frly 6/ud5ts ) 4abilities1 x's go+ 6be a m desira# pur*ase = s*ools40 ,supalo sd he is grate;l = -panies1 "nly ,v]ni] ,s(tw>e @& ,te*nology1 t h "pn]$ ) hm4 ,he sd sci;e-a3ess products = /ud5ts ) pr9t #da 4abilities--le>n+ 4abilities1 dyslexia1 di6iculty r1d+ or :o >e visu,y impair$ or bl--don't seem 6be a prior;y = _m -panies4 ,a3ess issues = /ud5ts :o >e bl >e 2com+ a m public issue4 ,miami ,univ]s;y 9 ,ohio is 2+ su$ 0,aleeha ,dudley1 :o is bl & alleges t ,miami fail$ 6provide a3essi# textbooks & c\rse mat]ials4 ,! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl al gave ? ye>'s ,a3ess ,aw>d 6! ,metropolitan ,museum ( ,>t = xs use ( descriptive & t\* t\rs2 a pat5t-p5d+ text te*nology -pany call$ ,fleksy2 & ,image ,se>*] ,9c4 = xs ,tap,tap,see cam]a app4 8,0focus+ on mak+ _! products & s]vices a3essi# 6"ey"o1 9clud+ p ) visual 4abilities1 ? ye>'s ,a3ess ,aw>d recipi5ts h level$ ! play+ field =! m ?an #bj million ,am]icans ) vi.n loss10 sd ,c>l ,r4 ,augu/o1 presid5t & ,,ceo (! f.d,n4 ,! ,,afb sd ,9dep5d;e ,sci;e's "w has 3tribut$ 6univ]sal a3essibil;y by 8pav+ ! way = future g5],ns ( rese>*]s1 ?anks 6_! -mit;t 65sur+ h&s- on exp]i;es = all sci;e1 te*nology1 5g9e]+ & ma!matics /ud5ts1 9clud+ & especi,y ^? ) visual impair;ts40 8,if y make "s?+ 7a3essi#7 = p ) 4abilities1 0proxy1 y make ?+s a3essi# = "eybody10 sd ,john ,mack91 ,,afb,''s m$ia rel,ns manag]4 8,t's ! idea 2h univ]sal a3essibil;y &! ,a3ess ,aw>ds40 ,supalo sd he is excit$ 6rcv ! aw>d4 8,x re,y is an honor 6"k t p \ "! >e ac"kl$g+ \r "w z significant10 ,supalo sd4 8,if ,i di$ td1 ,i wd die "k+ t ,i made a di6];e40 ,mov+ =w>d1 ,supalo sd he wants 6exp& 96mobile te*nology1 al;g ) develop+ products t help 9spire ,,stem skills 9 p ) o!r 4abilities4 8,x's re,y -e a l;g way f a big desktop -put] 6?10 ,supalo sd4 8,:o "ks :at ! next g5],n ( te*nology is go+ 6be8 ,i h "s id1s40 ,want ,m ,9=m,n8 #dc ,6jo9 ! sci;e a3ess move;t & sign up =! newslr 6rcv mon?ly ,,tvi ,tips1 sci;e news1 & o!r 4abil;y a3ess-relat$ mat]ial1 3tact ,9dep5d;e ,sci;e1 #cjjj ,k5t ,ave41 ,we/ ,lafayette1 ,,in #dgijf2 ph"o #a-hff-hfb-iffe2 or ;e- mail _+info@independencescience.com_:4 333333333333 ,mus+s3 ,,acb ,pa/1 ,pres5t1 & ,future 0,paul ,$w>ds ,i 0 only #ae ye>s old :5 ,,acb 0 born 9 #aifa4 ,i did n 2come 9volv$1 ev5 at ! /ate level1 until ,i 0 #cj4 ,am;g _m o!r ?+s1 :at attract$ me ab ,,acb 7 :at ,i p]cvd 6be ! pr9ciples t ,i 2liev$ & 2lieve >e at xs he>t4 ,6"u/& ^! core values1 a ll hi/ory is 9 ord]4 ,^? :o broke away f ! ,,nfb did s 2c !y 2liev$ t two bad ?+s 7 happ5+4 ,f/1 !y 7 3v9c$ t a few p at ! top (! organiz,n on ! n,nal bo>d 7 tak+ ov]4 ,!y 2liev$ t ! "rs ( a6iliates 7 2+ explicitly abrogat$ &1 despite rep1t$ ef=ts 6fix ! pro#m1 x only got worse4 ,9dividuals & a6iliates 7 expell$ f ! ,,nfb &1 9 fram+ ,,acb1 ! 3/itu;n & practice 7 9t5d$ 6make sure t ? wd n happ5 "h4 ,z a result1 a6iliates 7 imbu$ )a lot ( p[]1 &! bo>d & anybody ! bo>d hir$ 7 n4 ,! bo>d ( public,ns 0 set up 6make sure t a free press 0 ma9ta9$ 9 ,,acb4 ,! l1d]%ip ( ,,acb has n"e _h ! p[] 6tell ! ,,bop :at %d 2 publi%$ & :at %d n4 ,:5 p describe ,,acb,''s 2g9n+s1 ^! >e ! ele;ts t rcv ! mo/ att5;n4 ,i 2lieve t "! is explicit & implicit evid;e 6su7e/ t "! is ano!r core value t we d n 4cuss z (t5 t is at ! he>t ( :at we d4 ,i 2lieve t ^? :o =m$ ,,acb want$ 9dividuals & memb]s 6be emp[]$4 ,i 2lieve !y felt x 0 j z important 6protect ! "rs ( 9dividual memb]s z x 0 6assure ! p>am.tcy ( a6iliates4 ,\r resolu;ns -mittee1 ! way debate is 6be h&l$ &! fact t ea* memb] :o is pres5t at ! 3v5;n has a vote all po9t 9 ? direc;n4 ,i ?9k t ! value plac$ #de on :at ! 3v5;n says al po9ts 9 ? direc;n4 ,all ! folks :o >e pres5t & vot+ make ! rules & approve ! policies t gov]n ,,acb4 ,:5 ,i 0 presid5t ( ,,acb1 ,i m/ tell y t ,i f.d \r 3/itu;n di6icult4 ,unlike ! ,f$],n1 ,,acb has 63sult o!rs 2f xs l1d]%ip c make deci.ns4 ,if we >e mov+ 9 a direc;n di6]5t f t : \r 3v5;n has esp\s$1 we h 6be ev5 m circumspect 9 decid+ :at we c or %d d4 ,on ! face ( x1 x wdn't seem l "! "\ 6be m* di6iculty reconcil+ ^! two values4 ,b1 all "? xs hi/ory1 ? has be5 ! mo/ di6icult issue ) : we h _h 6d1l4 ,h[ %d ! bo>d respond if "! is cle> evid;e t an a6iliate's l1d]s >e misus+ _! p[]8 ,:at responsibil;y does ! bo>d h 6protect ! "rs ( memb]s ( ,,acb :o >e al memb]s ( a6iliates :o >e 2+ d5i$ a3ess 6-munic,n *annels & :o >e >bitr>ily remov$ f li/s 2c !y object 6! ac;ns ( l1d]s8 ,: is m important3 ! autonomy ( a6iliates or protect+ 9dividual memb]s f >bitr>y mistr1t;t8 ,"! h be5 lots ( 9/.es 9 \r pa/ ": ^? issues h ei be5 implicitly or explicitly 9 play & \r bo>d has usu,y tak5 /eps t ev5tu,y solve ! pro#m4 ,\r ,i[a a6iliate felt t ! bo>d exce$$ xs au?or;y :5 we took a /& reg>d+ dog guides s"eal ye>s ago4 ,we felt t ! pr9ciple 0 m important ?an a6iliate "rs4 ,9 s"eal 9/.es1 ": "! has be5 4s5.n )9 an a6iliate1 ! bo>d has opt$ 6approve ! cre,n ( m ?an "o a6iliate 9 a "picul> geographical >ea4 ,we did ? 9 ,k5tucky1 ,virg9ia1 ,hawaii1 & ,cali=nia4 ,! circum/.es 9 ea* case 7 di6]5t & ,i am n try+ at all 6su7e/ t "o size fits all4 ,\r 3v5;n has opt$ bas$ on a recomm5d,n f \r bo>d & \r cr$5tials -mittee 6take votes away f ,miss\ri 2c x is \r 2lief z an organiz,n t _! 3/itu;n >bitr>ily excludes qualifi$ p f memb]%ip4 ,9 all ( ^! cases1 we 7 d1l+ ) situ,ns ": ! "rs ( a6iliates h be5 limit$ = :at ! bo>d &1 9 at l1/ "o case1 ! #dg memb]%ip ( \r organiz,n 3sid]$ su6ici5t r1son 6ju/ify /epp+ on ! autonomy ( 9dividual a6iliates4 ,i am presid5t (a /ate a6iliate4 ,i h be5 presid5t ( two special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,i h al be5 presid5t ( ,,acb4 ,i happ5 62lieve t \r bo>d & \r memb]%ip h an oblig,n 6uphold ! values t >e at ! core ( :at \r organiz,n repres5ts4 ,at ! v he>t (! ,am]ican ,3/itu;n is ! f/ am5d;t :1 am;g o!r ?+s1 gu>antees p ! "r 6sp1k freely & 2 he>d4 ,\r c.try has g"o 6w> 6uphold ! values t >e subsum$ "u ! "n ( democracy4 ,we h oppos$ totalit>ian regimes : h mistr1t$ & brutaliz$ ^? :o did n agree ) ^? 9 p[]6 ,i am 3v9c$ t \r organiz,n reg>ds free spee* & r1son$ debate z 9h]5t -pon5ts ( :at we d6 ,z presid5t ,i wd n h d>$ 6cut "sbody (f j 2c ,i 4agre$ ) :at he or %e 0 say+4 ,we abide 0,rob]t's ,rules 2c we 2lieve t we _c >bitr>ily limit 4cus.n4 ,= me1 !n1 "! -es a po9t :5 ! "rs ( a6iliates m/ take second place4 ,= me1 t place is :5 an a6iliate is 2hav+ 9 ways t funda;t,y 3tradict ! pr9ciples t "up9 :o we >e4 ,i 2lieve x is up 6! bo>d 9 ea* case 6decide :5 we h r1*$ t place4 ,i al 2lieve t1 if \r memb]s 4agree1 !y m/ take ac;n at ! 3v5;n4 ,i al am 3v9c$ t \r 3/itu;n m/ 2 m explicit ab ! responsibil;y ( \r organiz,n 6uphold ! "rs ( 9dividuals & m9orities 6be tr1t$ equitably 0\r a6iliates6 ,obvi\sly1 ! pr9ciple ( a6iliate autonomy is important4 ,we h1 ,i ?9k1 mov$ a ll away f ! place ": we 7 once4 ,we n[ h an executive director 9/1d (a n,nal repres5tative4 ,i ?9k "! is a g5]al recogni;n t \r n,nal organiz,n m/ "s"ts take posi;ns ) : \r a6iliates may 4agree4 ,i truly d support a bal.e 2t ^! two pr9ciples4 ,h["e1 ,i am bo!r$ :5 any a6iliate uses xs autonomy 6*all5ge ! "r ( ,,acb 6uphold ! values t make u :o we >e4 333333333333 ,a6iliate ,news #di ,t5;see ,c\ncil ,/ate ,3v5;n ,! ,t5;see ,c\ncil (! ,bl w hold xs /ate 3v5;n 9 ,knoxville1 ,t5n41 at ! ,c$> ,bluff ,holi"d ,9n ,aug4 #bb-bd4 ,x w f1ture an auc;n4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,dan ,dillon at 7#fae7 #hgd-abbc or ;e-mail _+dan.dillon@comcast.net_:4 ,texas ,/ate ,3v5;n ,,acb ( ,texas w hold xs annual /ate 3f];e & 3v5;n at ! ,hilton ,san ,antonio ,airport ,hotel ,sept4 #be-bh1 #bjad4 ,! hotel is locat$ at #faa ,,nw ,loop #daj1 ,san ,antonio1 ,,tx #ghbaf4 ,room rates >e 4#id p] nie att5d+ ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ( ,texas 3f];e 65sure t y rcv ! 3f];e rate4 ,! cut-(f date is ,aug4 #bf1 or :5 ! block ( rooms is fill$4 ,! hotel provides a free airport %uttle #bd h\rs a "d4 ,! %uttle al c g up 6a ?ree-mile radius (! hotel dep5d+ on availabil;y1 z airport trips take prior;y4 ,? ye>'s 3v5;n w ag f1ture a walk-a- ?on1 : w 2 held at ! ,nor? ,/> ,mall4 ,m details w 2 availa# on ! ,,acbt li/s]v & 9 8,! ,texas ,/>40 ,if y h "qs1 or ne$ m 9=m,n1 pl1se 3tact ,pe7y ,g>rett at _+prcgarrett@sbcglobal.net_: or 0teleph"o at 7#bha7 #dch-iffe4 333333333333 ,"h & ,"! $it$ 0,%>on ,/rzalk[ski ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+slovering@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 #ea ,director ,s"\ ,we/ ,virg9ia ,univ]s;y 7,,wvu7 is seek+ applicants =! posi;n ( ,director (! ,,wvu ,c5t] = ,excell;e 9 ,4abilities 7,,ced74 ,! ,,ced ,director s]ves z a memb] (! ,h1l? ,sci;es ,executive ,-mittee & is responsi# = program develop;t1 liaison ) /ate & n,nal (fices & ag5cies1 manage;t ( f9ancial & human res\rces1 & facilities4 ,! 9cumb5t w provide direc;n & l1d]%ip t[>d ! a*ieve;t (! organiz,n's mis.n1 /rategic goals1 & objectives \tl9$ 9 ! #e-ye> /rategic proposal4 ,! director w h a faculty appo9t;t )9 ! appropriate s*ool & de"p;t4 ,! director is responsi# = all aspects ( program develop;t1 human res\rces1 f9ancial1 & l1d]%ip func;ns )9 ! ,,ced4 ,? 9cludes b is n limit$ to3 -plet+ f9ancial transac;ns & p]sonnel ac;ns 9 a3ord.e ) ,univ]s;y ,policy & ,proc$ure1 build+ & ma9ta9+ a hi<-calib] "w =ce1 & ov]see+ ! design1 m>ket+1 promo;n1 & deliv]y ( all products & s]vices4 ,he or %e w provide exp]t l1d]%ip & manage;t ov]siiety ( /akehold]s at ! local1 /ate1 & n,nal levels4 ,applicants m/ h at l1/ a ma/]'s degree 9 a relat$ field2 ^? )a doctoral degree 9 a relat$ field >e 5c\rag$ 6apply4 ,qualifi$ c&idates m/ h a m9imum ( #e ye>s' exp]i;e 9 organiz,nal develop;t1 build+ & su/a9+ programs1 l"eag+ public & private funds1 & manag+ -plex organiz,ns4 ,demon/rat$ su3ess 9 f9ancial manage;t1 gov]n.e issues1 adm9i/r,n1 & l1d]%ip )9 an organiz,n is al requir$4 ,! su3ess;l c&idate w h \t/&+ 9t]p]sonal & -munic,n skills1 abil;y 6"w collaboratively z well z 9 a l1d]%ip role1 & possess ext5sive k (! field ( 4abilities2 especi,y f$]al1 /ate & local policies1 practices & sy/ems4 ,a m9imum ( #aj ye>s total exp]i;e 9 a relevant field is #ec requir$4 ,review ( applic,ns w 2g9 immly & 3t9ue until ! posi;n is fill$4 ,applic,ns %d 2 ;e-mail$ 6,grace ,boyles1 _+geboyles@hsc.wvu.edu_:1 )a cov] lr1 curr5t resume & 3tact 9=m,n1 9clud+ ;e-mail a4resses1 = ?ree profes.nal ref];es4 ,9t]e/$ c&idates may 3tact ! *air (! se>* -mittee1 ,leslie ,miele1 at _+lmiele@hsc.wvu.edu_: = a4i;nal 9=m,n4 ,,lsac ,agrees 6,re=ms ,! ,ju/ice ,de"p;t fil$ a jo9t mo;n = 5try (a l&m>k 3s5t decree 6resolve alleg,ns t ! ,law ,s*ool ,admis.n ,c\ncil 7,,lsac7 5gag$ 9 widespr1d & sy/emic 4crim9,n 9 viol,n (! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act 7,,ada74 ,"u ! propos$ 3s5t decree1 ,,lsac w pay 4#g.gc million 9 p5alties & damages 6-p5sate ov] #f1jjj 9dividuals n,nwide :o appli$ = te/+ a3ommod,ns on ! ,law ,s*ool ,admis.n ,te/ 7,,lsat7 ov] ! pa/ five ye>s4 ,! decree al requires -preh5sive re=ms 6,,lsac,''s policies & 5ds xs practice ( 8fla7+10 or annotat+1 ,,lsat score reports = te/ tak]s ) 4abilities :o rcv ext5d$ "t z an a3ommod,n4 ,^! re=ms w impact t5s ( ?\s&s ( te/ tak]s ) 4abilities = ye>s 6-e4 ,! ,unit$ ,/ates 9t]v5$ 9 ,,dfeh v4 ,,lsac ,9c41 : 0 orig9,y br"\ on 2half ( ,cali=nia te/ tak]s 9 ! ,u4,s4 ,4trict ,c\rt =! ,nor!rn ,4trict ( ,cali=nia4 ,! ,unit$ ,/ates' 9t]v5;n exp&$ ! case 65sure -preh5sive & n,nwide relief "u ,title ,,iii (! ,,ada = 9dividuals ) 4abilities :o reque/ te/+ a3ommod,ns =! ,,lsat--a requir$ exam9,n = any"o seek+ admis.n 6an ,am]ican ,b> ,associ,n approv$ law s*ool 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,! alleg,ns 9 ! -pla9t detail ,,lsac,''s r\t9e d5ial ( te/+ a3ommod,n reque/s1 ev5 9 cases ": applicants h a p]man5t physical 4abil;y or submitt$ ?or\< support+ docu;t,n f qualifi$ profes.nals & demon/rat$ a hi/ory ( te/+ #ee a3ommod,ns s9ce *ildhood4 ,)\t ! nec a3ommod,ns1 te/ tak]s ) 4abilities >e d5i$ an equal opportun;y 6demon/rate _! aptitude & a*ieve;t level4 ,! lawsuit fur!r alleg$ t ,,lsac 5gages 9 4crim9,n prohibit$ 0! ,,ada "? xs practice ( fla7+ ! ,,lsat score reports ( 9dividuals :o rcvd ext5d$ "t z a te/+ a3ommod,n1 "!by id5tify+ 6law s*ools t ! te/ tak] is a p]son )a 4abil;y4 ,"u ! 3s5t decree1 ,,lsac has agre$ to3 _4 put a p]man5t 5d 6! practice ( fla7+ ! ,,lsat score reports ( 9dividuals ) 4abilities :o take ! ,,lsat )! -mon te/+ a3ommod,n ( ext5d$ "t2 _4 pay 4#g.gc million 6be allocat$ =a civil p5alty1 -p5s,n 69dividuals "nd 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates' & o!r pla9ti6s' -pla9ts1 &a n,nwide victims' -p5s,n fund2 _4 /r1ml9e xs evalu,n ( reque/s = te/+ a3ommod,ns 0automatic,y grant+ mo/ te/+ a3ommod,ns t a c&idate c %[ s_/he has previ\sly rcvd =a /&>diz$ exam relat$ 6po/-second>y admis.ns 7s* z ! ,,sat1 ,,act or ,,ged1 am;g o!rs72 & _4 imple;t a4i;nal be/ practices = review+ & evaluat+ te/+ a3ommod,n reque/s z recomm5d$ 0a panel ( exp]ts 76be cr1t$ 0! "pies74 ,9dividuals :o appli$ = te/+ a3ommod,ns f ,,lsac 2t ,jan4 #a1 #bjji1 &! c\rt's 5try (! 3s5t decree may 2 eligi# 6rcv a m"ot>y aw>d f a n,nwide victims' -p5s,n fund4 ,! claims adm9i/rator =! fund has n yet be5 det]m9$2 ? 9=m,n w 2 po/$ on ,,lsac,''s web site foll[+ 5try (! 3s5t decree 0! c\rt4 ,"qs ab ! victims' -p5s,n fund %d 2 direct$ 6! claims adm9i/rator4 ,= m 9=m,n or =a copy (! 3s5t decree1 visit _+www.ada.gov/_& defh__v__lsac/lsac__consentdecree._& htm_:4 ,h@&,r ,block1 ,,doj ,5t] #eg ,3s5t ,decree ,act+ ,assi/ant ,attorney ,g5]al ,jocelyn ,samuels (! ,civil ,"rs ,divi.n & ,u4,s4 ,attorney ,c>m5 ,m4 ,ortiz (! ,4trict ( ,massa*usetts ann\nc$ t !y h 5t]$ 96a 3s5t decree ) ,,hrb ,digital ,,llc & ,,hrb ,tax ,gr\p ,9c41 subsidi>ies ( ,h@&,r ,block ,9c41 6rem$y alleg$ viol,ns (! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act 7,,ada74 ,! decree resolves ! de"p;t's alleg,ns t 9dividuals ) 4abilities >e d5i$ full & equal 5joy;t ( l>gely tax-prep>,n focus$ gds & s]vices t >e provid$ "? ,h@&,r ,block's web site & mobile applic,ns4 ,! decree has be5 fil$ )! ,u4,s4 ,4trict ,c\rt =! ,4trict ( ,massa*usetts =! c\rt's approval4 ,on ,dec4 #aa1 #bjac1 ! ,civil ,"rs ,divi.n &! ,u4,s4 ,attorney's ,(fice =! ,4trict ( ,massa*usetts fil$ a -pla9t 9 9t]v5;n 9 ! lawsuit ,n,nal ,f$]al (! ,bl 7,,nfb7 et al4 v4 ,,hrb ,digital ,,llc et al4 65=ce ,title ,,iii (! ,,ada4 ,! -pla9t alleg$ t ,h@&,r ,block fail$ 6code xs web site 9 a mann] t wd make x a3essi# 69dividuals :o h vi.n1 he>+ & physical 4abilities4 ,z describ$ 9 ! -pla9t1 9dividuals ) 4abilities use v>i\s assi/ive te*nologies 6a3ess ! ,9t]net1 9clud+ scre5 r1d] s(tw>e1 refre%a# brl 4plays1 keybo>d navig,n & cap;n+1 am;g o!rs t >e n curr5tly -pati# ) ,h@&,r ,block's web site4 ,"u ! t]ms (! five-ye> decree1 ,h@&,r ,block's web site1 tax fil+ util;y & mobile apps w 3=m 6! ,level ,,aa ,su3ess ,crit]ia (! ,,wcag #b.j4 ,9 a4i;n1 ! ,h@&,r ,block web site w 2 a3essi# =! />t (! next tax fil+ t]m on ,jan4 #a1 #bjae1 ) a4i;nal a3essibil;y d1dl9es ov] ! foll[+ ye>s (! decree4 ,a4i;n,y1 ,,hrb ,digital & ,,hrb ,tax ,gr\p h agre$ to3 appo9t a skill$ web a3essibil;y coord9ator :o w report 6,h@&,r ,block's *ief 9=m,n (fic]2 adopt a web a3essibil;y policy2 9itiate tra9+ on a3essi# design = xs web 3t5t p]sonnel2 evaluate #ei employee & 3tractor p]=m.e bas$ on su3ess;l web a3ess programm+2 3duct regul> automat$ & us] gr\p te/+2 & hire an approv$ \tside 3sultant 6prep>e annual 9dep5d5t evalu,ns ( ,block's onl9e a3essibil;y4 ,h@&,r ,block w al pay 4#de1jjj 6! two 9dividual pla9ti6s1 &a 4#ee1jjj civil p5alty4 ,new ,,nls ,net"w ,divi.n ,*ief ,appo9t$ ,ri*>d ,smi? has be5 select$ z ! new *ief (! ,net"w ,divi.n at ,,nls & w 2g9 8 duties on ,june #af1 #bjad4 ,ri*>d has #bj ye>s ( exp]i;e 9 ! ,,nls net"w1 9clud+ six ye>s z director (! ,l\isiana ,libr>y =! ,bl & ,physic,y ,h&icapp$ & #ad ye>s z director (! ,wolfn] ,libr>y ,talk+ ,books & ,brl ,libr>y 9 ,miss\ri4 ,he al has s]v$ z ,midl&s *air & z a memb] (! ,,nls digital-transi;n -mittee4 ,ri*>d holds bo? an ,,mls &a ,ph4,d4 f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,pittsbur<1 ,s*ool ( ,libr>y & ,9=m,n ,sci;e1 & has s"eal ye>s ( exp]i;e t1*+ libr>y sci;e ) an emphasis on autom,n & te*nology4 ,new ,memb]s ( ,hall ( ,fame ,mi*ael ,coll9s & ,newel ,p]ry w 2 9duct$ 96! ,hall ( ,fame = ,l1d]s & ,leg5ds (! ,bl;s ,field 9 ,octob]4 ,coll9s d$icat$ #cj ye>s ( 8 c>e] 6,p]k9s1 f/ z sup]visor (! ,p]k9s ,s*ool =! ,bl's campus-bas$ ,d1fbl ,program & !n z f.d] & director (! ,hilton_/,p]k9s ,9t]n,nal ,program1 )! mis.n ( tra9+ t1*]s 6t1* *n :o >e d1f- bl ) multiple 4abilities 9 develop+ c.tries4 ,"u 8 l1d]%ip1 ! program grew f s]v+ a few hundr$ /ud5ts 6help+ m ?an #aj1jjj *n annu,y 9 #fc c.tries4 ,dr4 ,newel ,p]ry 0 call$ ! "f (! mod]n civil "rs move;t (! bl4 ,ac 6,matson 7#aiij71 ,p]ry 8presid$ z m5tor & god"f 6! ,7organiz$ bl7' move;t10 spawn+ ! ,cali=nia ,c\ncil (! ,bl 7#aicd71 ! ,n,nal ,f$],n (! ,bl 7#aidj7 &! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 7#aifa74 ,9 #aiab1 ,dr4 ,p]ry took ! po/ : wd def9e 8 c>e]1 ,director #fa ( ,adv.ed ,/udies at ! ,cali=nia ,s*ool =! ,bl1 & 0 9 ? posi;n until retire;t 9 #aidg4 ,he is be/ "kn = hav+ m5tor$ 8,p]ry's ,boys 7& ,girls710 a gr\p ( tal5t$ bl "y m5 & wom5 :o wd1 ) ,p]ry's assi/.e1 2g9 ! organiz$ bl move;t ( advocacy & civil "rs4 333333333333 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 i4d4 mate1 br& new1 / 9 box4 ,ask+ 4#hjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,rob]t ,lewis at 7#daj7 #fec-bdih4 ,= ,sale3 ,br&-new ,sony laptop ) #ad@9 wide scre51 #d gigs ,,ram1 #a ,,tb h>d drive1 ,,dvd play]1 ,w9d[s #g1 ,(fice #bjjg1 & ,,jaws #ad4 ,ask+ 4#ibe4 ,br&-new electric razors1 ,phillips ,norelco ,s5so,t\* #c;,d model #abee;,,xpr1 ) travel razor4 ,ask+ 4#agj ) free %ipp+4 ,call ,jose ,luis at 7#hah7 #bbj-fbef4 ,= ,sale3 ,s5d]o ,gr\p ,,gps rcvr1 6be us$ )! ,brl,note ,apex4 ,-es ) 9/ruc;nal disk4 ,ask+ 4#a1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,dan ,dillon at 7#fae7 #hgd-abbc or ;e-mail _+dan.dillon@comcast.net_:4 ,= ,sale3 ,orabis ,talk+ ,video ,magnifi]4 ,! ,orabis is bo? a r1d+ ma*9e & ,,cctv 9 "o sy/em4 ,9cludes a #bb@9 ,,hd ,,lcd1 cam]a & 9tegrat$ spee* sy/em4 ,ask+ 4#b1jjj4 ,c>rymate video magnifi]4 ,9cludes cam]a1 #aa@9 ,,lcd1 remote1 4t.e l5s1 9tegrat$ batt]y1 & c>ry+ case4 ,ask+ 4#hie4 ,voice,s5se ,,qwerty1 9 orig9al box1 n"e us$4 ,ask+ 4#a1bej4 ,brl,s5se ,on,h&1 -pact notetak] ) spee*1 #ah- cell refre%a# brl 4play & ,p]k9s /yle brl keybo>d4 ,ask+ 4#a1hej4 ,bo? ,r1d,it ,w& 9 orig9al box1 n"e us$4 ,! w& is a porta# ,,usb cam]a t turns yr desktop or laptop ,,pc 96bo? a r1d+ ma*9e & video magnific,n sy/em4 ,ask+ 4#a1bjj4 ,prices >e negotia#4 ,if 9t]e/$1 3tact ,ka?y at 7#fae7 #dfi-dhia or via ;e-mail at _+kathy.lamb06@comcast.net_:4 #fc ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,kim ,*>lson 7#a/ t]m1 #bjae7 #eg ,gr&view ,ave4 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,jeff ,?om 7#a/ t]m1 #bjae7 #gdad ,mooncre/ ,way ,sacra;to1 ,,ca #iehca-djdf ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,m>la9a ,lieb]g 7#a/ t]m1 #bjae7 #aeajj #f? ,ave4 ,,sw1 ,unit #gbh ,buri51 ,,wa #ihaff ,secret>y ,ray ,campbell 7#a/ t]m1 #bjae7 #dfj ,ra9tree ,ct4 _?#c;,k ,gl5 ,ellyn1 ,,il #fjacg ,tr1sur] ,c>la ,rus*ival 7#bnd t]m1 #bjae7 #adh ,v]non ,ave4 ,l\isville1 ,,ky #djbjf ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,/4 _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,b]l ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa 7f9al t]m1 #bjaf7 ,s>a ,3rad1 ,/ev5sville1 ,,mi 7#a/ t]m1 #bjaf7 ,janet ,dickelman1 ,/4 ,paul1 ,,mn 7#a/ t]m1 #bjad7 ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 ,miss\ri ,c;y1 ,,tx 7f9al t]m1 #bjaf7 ,george ,holli"d1 ,philadelphia1 ,,pa 7#a/ t]m1 #bjad7 ,john ,mc,cann1 ,falls ,*ur*1 ,,va 7#a/ t]m1 #bjaf7 ,allan ,pet]son1 ,horace1 ,,nd 7#a/ t]m1 #bjad7 ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md 7#a/ t]m1 #bjad7 ,dan ,spoone1 ,orl&o1 ,,fl 7#a/ t]m1 #bjaf7 ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ,,al 7#a/ t]m1 #bjad7 ,ex ,(ficio3 ,d5ise ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,public,ns #fe ,d5ise ,colley1 ,*airman1 ,lacey1 ,,wa 7#a/ t]m1 #bjae7 ,ron ,brooks1 ,phoenix1 ,,az 7#a/ t]m1 #bjae7 ,m>cia ,dress]1 ,r1d+1 ,,ma 7f9al t]m1 #bjad7 ,d\g ,p[ell1 ,falls ,*ur*1 ,,va 7#a/ t]m1 #bjad7 ,ex ,(ficios3 ,ron ,milliman1 ,b[l+ ,gre51 ,,ky ,bob ,ha*ey1 ,wal?am1 ,,ma ,b]l ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa 333333333333 ,kim ,*>lson1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lover+1 ,$itor ,n,nal ,(fice3 #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd4 ,suite #fej ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha fax3 7#gjc7 #dfe-ejhe ,web site3 _+http://www.acb.org_: ,produc$ 9 brl by ,n,nal ,brl ,press1 ,9c4 #hh ,/4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae 7#hjj7 #edh-gcbc _+www.nbp.org_: